Monday, March 22, 2010

Collective @ The Coppola

At my school there's this bi-annual event called Collective at The Coppola. It's basically an open film festival for films 2-5 minutes in length. All criteria, just give them what you got. I didn't get to enter last semester and this one starts accepting entries after Spring Break.

I have been determined to enter this and try to get screened and accepted into their submissions. But what idea to use and when to film it ...

I'm excited, I haven't gotten to make my own narrative film in awhile. All I've been doing is makeup product reviews and documentary shorts - both made of material that is mostly predestined, not really created if you know what I mean.

I have a midterm coming up ... one of those midterms where you didn't really start learning the material until well ... the midterm started coming.


I posted a voice dub last night: Flapjack. I had a bit of a talking session too.

I also went to the protest at California's state building today. 6 AM-4 PM! So tired. Running around filming again. But not as tiring as March 4. I think I got a bit of a cold though.

Will keep updated!

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