Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hello Daddy, Hello Mom
I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb
I'm your wild girl.

okay so those are pretty inappropriate lyrics I know. And I'm not really calling out dad and mom ... it's just stuck in my head because I love Dakota Fanning and I was watching The Runaways the other day and reading through the screenplay, looking for a scene to do for a monologue in my acting class.

Anyway. Wow. A LOT has happened since I last posted on this blog. And I decided to start posting on here again because .... I actually have SO MUCH to talk about now.

In between now and my last post I...

- moved schools from a HUGE city state university to a puny community college and moved back home
- Finished my first original short film, OBSCURE (2010)
(which, while it fails to silently narratively tell a story, I still know I worked extremely hard on it)
- figured out I want to do film as a career choice for sure
- started doing photoshoots
- went on an extensive trip to the Philippines in Christmas Break 2010
- applied to UCLA and CalArts
- got accepted into CalArts!
- drove down to visit CalArts for the Accepted Students Day 2011!
- had an unexpected tour of UCLA by my friend (since we were already down there)
- filmed, edited and published over 60 videos for my Audfacd YouTube channel (I have 82 videos online today)
- gained over 9,000 subscribers on YouTube for my makeup channel
- made many new friends from a new parttime job and a new school and new classes
- went to a Spring Trend beauty event in SF, being called in by their event coordinator because she saw my YouTube channel, ahh!
- rearranged my room
- wrote my first screenplay
- worked at Fright Fest as a talent (zombie/demented girl)
- went tandem skydiving at 12,000 feet!!
- got a driving permit (yes ... can't drive yet legally. But soon, before this year ends I will.)
- completed a Cinema 10 (The Art of Cinema) class - watch movies, write essays
- enrolled in a Cinema 15 (Film Production) - make movies

and of course ... to bring up the most related project to this blog ...

I started my first of what I'd like to refer to as a "big" film production. By no means do I mean professional ... but I tried to get as close to it as possible. Auditions, actor rehearsals, crew meetings, slating, external sound, film permits ... all of that madness. I can't believe where I was in January 2011. Tis called Human Root.

I just literally got back from the Philippines and before the semester even started I had the idea of a short zombie film in mind.

3 months later and my world has flipped. I think my personality even changed slightly. So many new friends, so much of having to put myself out there. I've changed so much since my elementary school days! Or even, high school days.

I'm even finally "comfortable" in my tiny community college that I used to loathe and feel so lonely in ... just when I have about 1.5 months left of school before I'm moving to another city 6 hours away to attend a private art school for the first time ...

So much is changing. Everything that I used to worry about, dream about, wish for and work for is finally coming into sight. I have a funcitoning YouTube channel with subscribers that actually watch and wait for videos, I applied to schools I spent SO much time researching and actually got into one of them, I actually am more sure of what I want to do with my life, I've gotten over the shyness of making new friends and meeting new people ... so much has changed. I hope I don't sound like I'm just bragging how great everything is because trust me, it's rarely like this and now that all these good things are happening I'm sure the next round of challenges are just around the corner. I just want to stop and realize how things worked out. How much has come through. It's quite amazing.

My goal for the rest of the semester is to just finish my classes strong. I am realizing these might be the last GE courses I take o__O From here on out it might be loads and loads of art classes which ... yes it sounds like heaven but ... I'm trying to appreciate what I know may be gone soon.

I had to drop my online political science class. And as bummed as a I was about that I was also relieved 2 minutes later realizing it was done and over with and I could focus on passing my other classes now instead of spending my time stressing about the darn online class and never actually getting anything done. It's the last course I need to fulfill IGETC (General Education Certification) but I realized ... if I go to CalArts ... do they care if I have all GE's done? I'm okay with taking one more regular class. Still deciding on if I should squeeze that into my summer.

I intend to spend my summer doing 6 things
1) Making money at Six Flags as a costume character
2) Filming Halloween videos and makeup tutorials for my YouTube channel
3) Working on Human Root in FINALLY YAY post-production
4) Spending time with my best friends before I move
5) Doing a few more photoshoots
6) Preparing my room for me leaving ... getting rid of old stuff

With that said I'll leave you with the teaser clip of Human Root, edited & shot by my cinematographer, Tyler. It's quite spiffy ... I can't wait for more released footage which either him and I/or I will be editing.


Oh we have a film shoot this Friday. Hospital scenes. Must prepare. Get it right in 1 day.


- Cat

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